This is Grandma (also known as G-ma-ma), she is my grandmother on my dad's side. Billy and I usually head to Lexington on Monday and help her run her errands. We get to eat really good food too!! Today, we ate at Olive Garden, but Grandma was tired so she stayed home to take a nap. She is fun and always listens to our thrift saga with a new and interested ear. We love her a whole lot, even her grump-a-dump husband, Phred.
There is a little bit of sadness on these days too, though. My grandma is a Master Gardener, and used to have an amazing backyard filled with tons of vegetables in raised beds. During the summer, the garden would be Phred and Grandma's life. They also cooked amazing food!!! Homemade pizza that I would talk about at slumber parties until everybody's mouth watered (why did I do this? haha). Apple and Blackberry pies that would make you forget your stomach had reached maximum capacity two slices ago. But the chocolate chip cookies..oh my...that was where it was at... holy moly!!!!! They were magical! You could probably use them as currency. I bet I could have gotten out of many a punishment, if I had had a bag on hand to give to Mama when I was in trouble. Mama definitely appreciated Grandma's cooking skills. We would devour a bag of the cookies on the way home from Shelbyville every so often, and it was best of rare treats.
Anyhow, sorry about that tangent. Grandma and Phred don't cook anymore, and they don't garden either, and it makes my heart ache when I see the cold pots and pans and the empty beds in the back yard. But we do get to come to a little bit of a rescue, and make them feel extra loved so that is good. And I did see some seedlings under grow lights in the basement, so who knows what could happen by summer! There may be vegetables in the back yard again!! And maybe cookies in the oven....pretty please?