Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Home Alone

    Money has been tight around the Billy and Abbigail homestead as of late. We have been hustling especially hard lately.  It hasn't been the greatest time, but having your super true love by your side always makes it a lot easier...BUT NOW MINE IS GONE!!!!
        Just out of town for a few days, but it feels like he will be gone for years.  We had a wonderful opportunity come up to screenprint t-shirts, which has been a dream of ours since the beginning. Now, Billy is off to do it, and it is very very VERY exciting!!! And hopefully will bring the cash money fairy to our door!!!
     Although, I am happy about this new venture, I miss my other half. There is a good side to this though, it's a perfect opportunity for surprises for Billy Joe, like an exceptionally organized house and a clean shop (if I get half way to this goal, I will be pleased!).
       I am definitely overwhelmed with the shop right now. The whole front area is full of donations to sort and put up, but I will get through it. It will keep my mind off the big hole in my heart.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mama & Papa Dragon

Papa- "grumble grumble grumble."  Mama- "isn't he just darling?!"
Vinyl cut printed on vintage wallpaper. 


   Lots of reading and looking to books for inspiration has been going on around here lately. These are two of Billy's favourite books by Adam Rex up there. I have been reading Sabriel by Garth Nix,  a book I loved when I was about thirteen. I am a definitely a repeat reader, I can read my favourites over and over again. I have probably read A Wrinkle in Time about forty times, and I love it every time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Work in Progress

Billy has been working very hard on a big project lately! Here's a little sneak peek!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Tooth Party

  I haven't blogged in quite awhile! Here's the lowdown on what has been happening to me, Abbigail.
  --- I cut my finger pretty dang badly, and now its numb and weird!
--- I went to Brandenburg. It was awesome! I hung out with my B-burg family and had a wonderful time. We went junking and found a bunch of awesome stuff, we filled up the whole truck. I am sorry I don't have any pictures, things are usually pretty fast paced when I am there, and I always forget to take photos.
I went thrifting way too much and ate the most delicious Green Bamboo with my Mama and sister! It was so delicious!!! I wish I had some right now..even though my next point would hinder my enjoyment.
  --- On Monday, I had my wisdom tooth cut out, and it has not been fun. Where the tooth was at smells awful and hurts all day long!!! And the worst part is: they forgot to give me my tooth!!! I get my stitches out this Monday. Woo!!

P.s. I also forgot Billy's Green Bamboo take out, and it was a very sad day. I am still sorry about that, B. Next time, we will go on Green Bamboo Buffet Day!!!!!! I once thought that only happened in heaven.