Saturday, March 26, 2011

What to do....

  Abbigail's gone for a couple of days visiting her mom,  our neighbours Quaz and Tiff have also left for their home town,  our other neighbour Miracle has pneumonia, and the store hasn't had a customer all day.  Awesome right?  Now I have all the free time in the world to do whatever I want!  What am I doing with my temporary solitude you might ask?  Well, so far I have skimmed through about five Vanity Fair magazines, (not my usual choice of literature, just so you know)  rocked in the rocking chair while humming songs that I can't remember the lyrics to,  gnawed off most of the skin around my finger nails, and I even typed in "fun things to do alone" into the google search engine without much luck, (puzzles, books, tv ?! Come on Google, is that the best you can do?! One suggestion was actually, "Turn on some music and dance in front of the mirror."  That's just sad)
  I guess I'm just gonna have to face the facts.  No Abbigail = no fun.  Rant over. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, baby! This made me a happy lady! I am also happy to be home! I love you!
