Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Apartment!

  When we got our store, which was a dream come true, we knew we would have to make a few sacrifices here and there to make it work. The biggest one though, was definitely our home, a wonderful little apartment in an old elementary school annex.  So we have spent the last 6 months sleeping on the floor in the store. No stove, no shower, and no refrigerator. You can imagine our joy when we found this great little place! Oh and guess what! It's located in the very same building as our store! How cool is that?
  Now, the place could use a little t.l.c. but it has so much potential! There's a great 70's vibe all throughout which will go splendidly with our mostly vintage decor. Abbigail just about wept openly when she saw the new roomy kitchen, especially the pantry. I love the glass door separating the bedroom from the studio! (that's right our very own studio where we can make magical things without ever touching elbows!) 
  I hope this will be our new home for at least a few years and that many terrific memories will be made here!