Friday, January 21, 2011


         Our old car is headed to the grave is a sad sad time for "Suzy Sassparilla".  She has been through quite a lot with us, carried literal tons of stuff, helped us escape peril during trash picking rendevous. You were a good car, Suze. 
         Now on to some happier news....
    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Dad bought a new car and gave us his TRUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is beautiful!! I am excited to name it, although to me it will forever be "Dad's truck." Billy and I are totally floored! A truck to go trash picking in! Now, we can get bigger items and make some more money perhaps!? And buy both my parents new houses and  my dad a ten car garage and my mom peacock feather boots....OH YEAH! Thank you, Dad!!!
  P.S. we need to wash it bad!

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